Monday, December 26, 2011

Natalie Glebova Miss Universo 2005 Anuncia su divorcio ...!!!

Separate interests was a big factor in their divorce, explained Natalie
‘‘We really did have quite different interests. Paradorn really loves motorbikes, for example. He loves racing. But I was never a big fan of them. That’s just not something I see myself spending my free time doing,’’ Natalie said at Channel 3’s Tee Sip (At Ten) studio as they made their first public announcement about their divorce.
Their busy schedules also kept them apart, Paradorn said.
“I have to look ahead and focus on my businesses, and she also has lots of work to handle, it seems like we really have no time for each other.’’
Glebova added: ‘‘The different kind of work schedule really does put a strain on the marriage. And while we were drifting apart physically, we were also drifting apart emotionally.’’
And how will they divide up their property?
Both Paradorn and his ex-wife insisted that was not an important issue.
‘‘We have already discussed this and agreed on what we think is fair. We are not here to take advantage of each other,” Natalie said.
Adapted from a story in today's Bangkok Post by Arusa Pisuthipan.

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