Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a waste of a good pussy!

I would trade a woman for her pussy! Wouldn't you?
I wrote in another post about how I thought pussies were wasted on some women! I mean there are women out there who want to be like men -- maybe want to be or become men (like Chaz Bono). Mostly, there are women who act like men and want to do everything that men do, even if they are ok with having a pussy.

Well, that is fine. The fact that there are women like that does not upset me. I definitely know what it is like to have feelings on the inside that don't match how you are on the outside! I get frustrated because I would take their pussy off their hands in a second if it were magically possible!

Where I work -- an office -- there are a number of women there who are more masculine than I am. Some of the big bosses are like that. They want to be right up there with the men. And that's fine.

But me, I want to be like the most feminine of the women. Probably the most manly thing that I do is watch a football game on TV. And being the way I am, a pussy in my panties would suit me just fine!

If I had a pussy I would be submissive and give it up to the man or the woman I had feelings for! I would definitely make good use of that pussy, I will tell you that!

I guess I just don't understand. Here I am -- and you too if you are reading this -- always wishing that I were a girl and regretting that I am not, while there are women out there who feel the need to act like men or even be men.

All I can say is what a waste of a good pussy!

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