Whip Me Lady Master

Everyone stared as I walked into the emergency room , hunched over .
I threw my insurance card onto the front desk and passed out.
When I came to, I was lying on the emergency room table as a big
bright light shone in my face.
I could see the little green venus symbols that were printed on my
white hospital gown that smelled of bleach.
The sight of stainless steel equipment lying on metal trays and the smell
of the hospital made me nauseous, but I was not feeling well, so I felt I had to get
checked out.

The grounds were beautiful.
I went to the front desk and said “ umm……I’m here for the “ exam .”
This was the big day.
I had waited for this for a very long time.
Finally, my name was called.
I followed the nurse and she gave me a gown and said “ put this on, lie
on the table and the doctor will see you shortly.”
I did as she said.

Then the doctor came in, placed my feet in stirrups and spread my legs
as I laid there sobbing.
He started gently pushing my pussy lips apart and said “ what
happened to you ????????”
I felt a speculum and cried out “ no, please.”
He said “ sorry, hon, I got to get some swabs, it‘s procedure, for
He pushed the speculum in all the way, I sobbed and shook as he
stretched my pussy open and began to swab.
He said to the assistant “ recent hymenal tearing, vaginal tearing, torn
I felt the speculum slide out of my pussy as he said “ WHAT did this ?”
I laid there sobbing and said “ can you help me?”
He said “ bear down.” I tried, but I couldn’t.
He slid a finger in my ass hole and started sliding a speculum into my
ass hole and I started yelling, “ take it out, take it out” but he said “ I
have to see what is in there ” so he started stretching my ass hole open.
He looked inside my ass hole and said to his assistant “slight rectal
prolapse, fissures.“
I felt the speculum sliding out of my ass hole and the doctor said “you
don‘t absolutely NEED surgery, but I highly recommend that you have surgery.”
The nurse came and held my hand. I looked up and tears were welling
up in her eyes.
She said “ are you going to report it ?”
I tried to stop crying so hard because every time I sobbed, my pussy
and ass hole would feel the pressure from my sobbing and hurt even
The nurse said “shhhhhh, settle down , we‘re going to fix it” and gave
me some pills to take.
I signed some forms and then I felt the medication running through my
veins as the mask was put on my face, my pussy and ass hole burning
and throbbing.”
Days went by. They were all a painful blur.
I woke up, I cleaned myself up and sat up in my bed, still having a lot of discomfort
from the surgery.
I fumbled through my purse and called the bank to check my account.
I was so relieved, I smiled a little, but it was hard to smile considering
the discomfort I felt .
I turned and looked towards the door and my friend Jackie came in
and said “ what happened?”
I said “ I can’t talk about it.”
She said “ what happened.”
So, word for word, I began to tell Jackie my story….
“I played with my pussy when I woke up , showered, got dressed and
drove to the complex.
It was a set of non-descript buildings in a far away location in
Las Vegas.

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