I wish I could have been a Girl Scout!

This is the appropriate
scouting uniform for
sissies like us!
I guess I put one over on the Boy Scouts! They had a sissy cross-dressing faggot cock sucker in their midst and did not even know it! And oh how they hate people like us!

Yes I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout. No, I was not a GREAT Scout. I was not very good at doing most of those boy things like camping and building campfires and learning all those knots, although I did like going camping. I did like the outdoors and even hiking. I still like to hike!

I also liked learning about things in order to earn some of those merit badges. Heck, I aced the cooking merit badge because I learned that stuff as a sissy helping my mom and sisters and aunts in the kitchen! I was good at those citizenship and first aid and useful merit badges like that.

I would show off my
merit (badges, that is!)
Now, I did not do gay things as a Cub Scout, just sissy things, but by the time I was a Boy Scout I sure did! Still, my sissy friends and I had our special places where we dressed up and gave BJs, but Scouting places were not among them. I behaved myself as a Scout and I don't remember even having a crush on any of those fellow Scouts. In fact, they were quite nice to me and helped me with the things I could not do.

I would have made a
great cookie girl!
I would have enticed
many men to buy
my cookies!
So, I was a Boy Scout. I don't remember the subject of gay Scouts ever coming up like it has today. Being a sissy, I was sort of a boy, officially. And only a select few knew about the BJs although the rumors were rampant. The Scouting people had no reason to keep me out of the Scouts.

I actually did have fun in the Scouts. I guess I am glad that I did not know at the time how unwanted and unwelcome I really was. Now that I know that, I quit donating to the Boy Scouts. I donate to the Girl Scouts! Too bad sissies and T-girls and gay boys cannot join the Girl Scouts! Wasn't there a controversy over a troop accepting a transgendered member recently?

I wish I could have been a Girl Scout instead! I would have learned so many things that I wanted to be part of. There would have been real kitchen cooking, instead of camp cooking. Probably sewing and fashion and makeup, a lot more girlie things that I yearned to learn!

There would have been those girlie uniforms! And wearing one would have been a condition to joining the Girl Scouts, I would imagine! Hopefully I could have worn an especially girlie one like in the photos I found!
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